The Gift of Time: Why I Started Wearing a Jord Watch
The Rhinestone Rodeo X Jord Watches
Alright, if you know me at ALL, you will already have the knowledge that I am the WORST with time. I was brought up in a warm-culture home which means relational values take the forefront of your time and not the actual punctuality of being "on-time." We would tell my aunts the party started at 12pm instead of 2pm because we knew they would be late. I tell my friends to tell me 30 minutes earlier than everyone else because I already knew I would be late, distracted by the smallest thing while getting ready. I don't make plans after meeting with someone because I know the conversation will end when it is supposed to and not at a designated hour interval. If I love talking to you, I will make time for you and make sure you know that my time with you is such a gift to me. I value time as way for those around me to know, no matter how short or how little time I have with you, It will be full and meaningful. I'll be right where I am supposed to be, with you. The greatest gift the Lord has given me, is the Gift of Time. The gift of time to travel, to learn, to laugh with friends, to learn, to grow, and to live my life so fully. Jord Watches sent me an engraved watch with "10.1.17" on the back. I haven't taken it off since. As most of you know, that date I was reminded that I am always at the right place, at the right time, and I have been given more time to live this life loving others and making a difference. I partnered with Jord Watches to explain to you what "Time" means to me in my life, and how it has changed for me in the wake of surviving the Las Vegas Shooting on Oct. 1, 2017. On 10.1.17. I was given the Gift of Time yet again. Here we go...
Do you believe in destiny? Fate? "You were in the right place at the right time," someone has probably said to you. Whether it was meeting your best friend, meeting the love of your life in a grocery store line, or dodging something that could have gone rather wrong, you have probably used or heard that phrase more than once in your life. It is our culture's catch phrase for coating the beautiful confusion of coincidence, fate, destiny, serendipity, or any other way of looking at how you can be in a place or moment that will greatly affect your life.
10.1.17. Standing next to the stage in a crowd of thousands at a country music festival, I was completely enthralled with the stranger I had met hours before holding my hands and dancing close to me. The smile on his face was matched by the blushing heat on my face as he grabbed me to pull me close. With the music of the festival ringing through the warm Las Vegas air, we danced, laughed, and I realized I only saw him. I only rarely find myself this curious, attracted to, or drawn to someone. We decided to spend the rest of the evening together to keep getting to know each other. We talked of life, family, religion, faith, goals, and large topics often saved for a later time. I was separated from my friend that I went to the festival with, and I happened to meet him. Chance? Fate? Destiny? Coincidence?
Before the last act could finish, in the midst of facing each other, letting him hold me close as we swayed to the music, shots rang out over the crowd. The Las Vegas Massacre as it would later be known as, was just starting. Had I been with anyone else that night, had I been standing anywhere else, had he not listened to me when I said we needed to run, I don't know where I would be today. Saving the scary details, I escaped that night with a stranger. Pulling myself under fences, hiding under staircases while the shooter reloaded, I was brought to face fear in the face. Was I scared of dying itself? No. I was scared I wouldn't have more time with those I loved. Before I realized it, I had called my mom within the first 30 seconds of shooting. I told her I was running and that I loved her. I heard her voice break as she begged of me, "Vanessa, Run." I cry every time I tell someone that she said that. I'm crying now as I write this.
I was scared of loosing time with my family. I was scared of dying and not hugging my mom for the last time. I am selfish. I want more time. I had spent so much time praying for God to reveal my purpose with the time he had given me and how I could use my blog to encourage others, be creative, and honor Him. All I wanted from my prayers was an answer to how I can best use my time on earth to serve others and help make this world a better place. What was my vocation and how could I use this blog as a platform for that? I had been praying for months for that when I decided to attend this festival and I had been telling this to the man I met and was dancing with on 10.1.17.
We survived the Las Vegas Massacre and I was granted the Gift of Time. I was given a story to share, a testimony to carry, and time to accomplish the task of encouraging others to fulfill their dreams, pursue their highest dreams, and love on each other. Jord Watches sent me an engraved watch with the date I will never forget and the date that changed my life. I was with who I was with for a reason. I was at that spot at that time for a reason. I survived for a reason. I was given time for a reason. The point of life isn't to mindly go through it, wasting time or energy on pointless endeavors. I have been given the most beautiful gift of more time.
I live very intentionally and pride myself on being an honest, true, and raw testimony to how living purposefully is God's plan for us. He wants us to learn our purpose, our calling, and love His vision for our lives. I love my Jord Watch because it ties to something that affected my life so intensely.
My Jord Watch is so beautiful to me. It is personal. It is unique. It is a reminder. I'm so thankful to be here. From one survivor to anyone out there, you are not alone and this gift of having time to help anyone else through what you have gone through is so beautiful. You are beautiful.
I have partnered with Jord to give YOU the chance at having your own engraved watch with whatever phrase, date, time, or person that means the world to you written on the back of the watch. Enter here: THE RHINESTONE RODEO GIVEAWAY and you'll be able to win $100 to use on a Jord Watch. Everyone who enters will automatically receive 10% off in their email. Good luck my loves and I hope you win a watch to personalize like I have. Time is so valuable and is all that you make it to be.
10.1.17 and the gift of time.
xx love you all so much, Vee.